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2016 11 03

Neapsikentę „Knicks“ sirgaliai skelbia akciją: išlaisvinkite Kuzią!

Mindaugo Kuzminsko minutės aikštėje itin ribotos, nors lietuvis žaidžia patikimai. „New York Knicks“ sirgaliai nusprendė imtis veiksmų ir pasiuntė žinutę treneriui Jeffui Hornacekui.
Mindaugas Kuzminskas
Mindaugas Kuzminskas / instagram nuotr.

Socialiniuose tinkluose plinta nuotraukos ir įrašai su prierašu #freeKUZ (išlaisvinkite Kuzią). Komandos sirgaliai taip tikisi paraginti trenerį daugiau minučių skirti talentingam lietuviui, kuris nuo sezono pradžios atsidūrė atsarginių suolo gale.

„New York Knicks“ naujokas per ketverias rungtynes aikštėje pasirodė du kartus, o iš viso NBA reguliariajame sezone rungtyniavo vos 15 minučių.

Lietuvis savo minutes išnaudoja labai efektyviai, o Carmelo Anthony dubleris Lance'as Thomasas, tiesioginis M.Kuzminsko konkurentas pozicijoje, vis dar neranda savojo žaidimo.

M.Kuzminskas gavo žaisti mažiausiai visoje komandoje, o už jį daugiau rungtyniavo net 13 žaidėjų. M.Kuzminskas per savo 15 žaistų minučių pelnė tiek pat taškų, kiek prieš tai minėtas L.Thomasas (13), pataikė 2 tritaškius iš 4.

I think it's time to let my thought go.... guys.... where is our defense like we seriously NEED to sign a defensive coach. Who knows, probably the librarian Kurt Rambis is taking that job over... nice one Phil. Second of all, we absolutely have no chemistry and ball movement. Melo is shooting the ball non-stop. Doesn't that remind you of someone. Hmm let me guess. Well if you guessed JR SMITH ur correct. He shoots the ball way to much and he needs to trust his other teammates. Last year, he didn't have a team like this. And Rose. Even though this man is looking great, he needs to stop driving even though that's his best part of his game. He needs to also trust his teammates and pass the rock. He has a lot of options like KP in the corner, Lee, and Melo. We need to get that chemistry going fast. And oh, did I mention Joakim Noah. He got 0.. 0 POINTS TONIGHT AND 2 REBOUNDS. C'mon Joakim I respect you a whole lot just get the ball more. The crowd tonight was not as good as Saturday's obviously. On Saturday, Noah was feeding off of the crowd for his success pounding his chest and hyping up the crowd. But tonight, there was no pumping of the chest and making the crowd hype. And one more thing.... KP... as much as I love KP and his style of play... he needs to be more aggressive and call for the ball more because 3 PTS isn't okay for a 7'3" freak of nature. And also, Get Cheese on the floor, give Thomas' minutes to Kuz and PLEASE cut Sasha or trade him. I just really had to get my thoughts out ???????????????? #NY #NYK #NBA #NBAnews #New #York #Knicks #NewYork #NewYorkKnicks #Knickstape #FreeKuz

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