Michaelo Jordano atsakymai į įdomius vaikų klausimus

2015-08-10 09:43
www.bayareahq.com Michael Jordan, held an inspirational, informative, and entertaining Q & A session on Saturday Night in Santa Barbara at his 20th Annual Basketball Camp: Michael Jordan Flight School. The G.O.A.T did not disappoint as he, in tongue-in-cheek fashion, claimed superiority in one way or another over Shaq, Lebron James, and Kobe Bryant, in his prime, of course. Watch the video above to see Bay Area HQ's 4K Ultra High Definition highlight footage of Jordan's question and answer session with over 800 campers at the UCSB campus. We put together highlights of the most intriguing moments during the 40 minute "ask-me-anything" where MJ answered every single question posed by the international group of aspiring basketball players.