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2013 10 14

Lithuania moves to tighten online gambling supervision

The Lithuanian government on Monday agreed to supervise online gambling, Deputy Finance Minister Vytautas Galvonas confirmed.
Azartiniai lošimai
Gambling / Fotolia nuotr.

Gaming companies active in Lithuania would have to go out of business if the legislative provisions were not approved, he said.

“The law on gambling was adopted in 2001. However, it did not specify either online betting or online gambling – nobody could imagine at that time that it might be so – as types of activities governed by legislation. Yet, the companies continued operations…,” deputy minister told reporters after the Cabinet’s meeting on Monday.

Blocking domains of the gambling companies that are not registered in Lithuania would not cost much to the country, he said adding that Lithuania could follow the suit of Estonia.

“The Communications Regulatory Authority said that it would cost a lot [to block a domain] and it’s very complicated. But we have Estonia’s example – the Estonians said that it’s not a cure-all solution. There is a black list, they are tracking those companies and blocking them. As far as the results are concerned, 66 percent have not even noticed that such a measure is being taken. Another 19 percent circumvent the law and 16 percent do not register since they are aware that they will be blocked,” the official said.

The Government has proposed to the Seimas (parliament) to legalize online betting from 2014 and to authorize the Gaming Supervisory Authority to step up controls over illegal virtual gambling operators and, if necessary, to order to the providers of e-communication network services to block illegal gambling operators without delay.

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