Ričardas Slapšys, an adviser to Transport Minister Rimantas Sinkevičius, would neither confirm nor deny the information. He has said, however, that the new CEO of the airport will be named officially later this week when the minister signs a respective order.
Almantas, 34, has been working as corporate social responsibility advisor at Copenhagen Airports since 2011. He also worked as president of the Swiss and Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania from 2004 until 2012. His CV also includes jobs at Sorainen, a law firm, and at Walder Wyss & Partners, a Zurich law firm.
Almantas studied at the University of Bern, Switzerland, Copenhagen Business School, etc. He is fluent in English, German, and Russian.
Four applications were submitted for the post of Vilnius Airport CEO.
The new CEO will replace Tomas Vaišvila who stepped down on January 31.