The European Union (EU) has authorized the Commission to hold talks with Russia and Belarus on disconnection of the transmission systems of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia from the IPS/UPS system controlled by Russia, the news portal reports on Tuesday.
“Electricity transmission systems of Lithuania and Russia’s Kaliningrad region cannot operate one without the other, hence the Kaliningrad region will seek to become part of ENTSO-E together with Lithuania, which has decided to synchronize its electricity transmission grids with the continental European system,” Sergey Boyarkin, the program director at Rosatom, said at the 9 th CEE Energy Forum in Warsaw.
He urged to build a high-voltage transmission line between the region of Kaliningrad and Poland as soon as possible since the Baltic countries were delaying their decision on the synchronization of their transmission systems with continental Europe.
Sources told that Russia urged the Commission to include the building of at least one high-voltage line between Kaliningrad and Lithuania or Poland into the Baltic Energy Market Interconnection Plan (BEMIP) thus making it eligible for the Union’s financial support.
Lithuania ’s experts believe that the Baltic Nuclear Power Plant being built in Kaliningrad could not operate in commercial mode without a high-voltage link with Poland or Lithuania in place.