Arvydas Vaitkus says that the NordBalt cable will impede safe navigation. It is said that the misunderstanding arose because those who drew up and obtained the required approvals for a detailed plan for the land part of the cable forgot about the sea part.
Back in July, the CEO informed the ministries in writing that the planned route of the cable crossed the southwestern corner of the outer harbor, thus undermining the port's interests.
The Transport Ministry proposes to slightly reduce the port's area.
The power interconnection is to be built across the coastline in Klaipėda and the Curonian Spit, as well as Lithuania's territorial waters and its exclusive economic zone. It will consist of two cables laid side by side, with 900 kilometers of cable to be manufactured in total.
The 520-million-euro NordBalt interconnection is expected to be completed by December 2015. Sweden's ABB is manufacturing and will install the cable for the power link under a 270-million-euro contract.