“This company must be controlled by the state (i.e. the state shall hold at least two thirds of votes at the general shareholders meeting) and it will be classified as a company of strategic significance for national security,” Neverovič told Verslo Žinios business daily.
Experts say unofficially that Litgas, a subsidiary established by Klaipėdos Nafta last December, might be chosen by the government for the purchase of at least 0.54 billion cubic meters of natural gas from the LNG facility each year. If that were the case, the company would have to be unbundled from Klaipėdos Nafta in line with the requirements of the European Union’s (EU) 3rd Energy Package and Lithuania’s Law on Natural Gas.
Energy Minister believes that the government’s decision to designate a supplier of gas from LNG facility would enhance competition in the gas market since the designated company, which will ensure the supply of gas to large industrial users, will be a new market player that will offer both LNG and pipeline gas to gas buyers.