The country was placed 45th among 144 countries included in the index published last year, Statistics Lithuania reports.
Switzerland remained at the top of the ranking for the fifth consecutive year. It was followed by Singapore in second place and Finland in third place.
Estonia rose to 32nd place, from 34th in the previous index, and Latvia moved up to 52nd place, from 55th.
Lithuania moved up to 43th place, from 49th place, last year, in the basic requirements sub-index, which includes institutions, infrastructure, macroeconomic environment, health, and primary education. Latvia rose to 40th place, from 54th, and Estonia was ranked 26th, same as last year.
In the efficiency enhancers sub-index, which includes higher education and training, goods market efficiency, labor market efficiency, financial market development, technological readiness and market size, Lithuania moved down one position, to 47th place. Latvia rose by 7 positions, to rank 41st, and Estonia moved up to 30th place, from 31st last year.
Lastly, in the innovation and sophistication factors sub-index, which includes business sophistication and innovation, Lithuania moved up to 44th place, from 47th, Latvia was ranked 68th, same as last year, and Estonia moved down by 2 positions, to rank 35th.
Lithuania scored well in terms of flexibility of wage determination (7th), FDI and technology transfer (9th), women's participation in labor force (10th), HIV prevalence (11th), pay and productivity (14th), quality of math and science education (16th), imports as a percentage of GDP (17th), mobile telephone subscriptions (19th), and exports as a percentage of GDP (19th).
Lithuania has been taking part in WEF’s competitiveness survey since 2001. In 2011, it was ranked 44th, in 2010 – 47th, in 2009 – 53rd, in 2008 – 44th, and in 2007 – 38th.