"If Europe wants to remain an attractive destination for students, we have to do more," she said.
In her words, European universities should step up cooperation, as in the era of globalization, Europe is competing with, for instance, China, India, Brazil, and South Korea.
Vassilliou said more opportunities should be available for simultaneous education and academic research in several universities, possibly even on different continents.
In her words, international education is currently promoted by exchange programs, such as Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, Marie Curie and Tempus, with a new umbrella program Erasmus Plus to be launched after a go-ahead from the European Parliament.
She praised universities in Lithuania which are superb participants of Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, and Erasmus.
The commissioner is attending a two-day conference in the Lithuanian capital to discuss the internalization of higher education together with representatives from 36 countries. Around 200 participants include representatives from 24 EU member states, the United States, China, Australia, Kazakhstan, and other countries.