The grant will go to nine parties. They will receive 2.1 litas per each vote received during the elections to parliament, the European Parliament, and local governments.
The largest grant of about 2.048 mln litas will go to the opposition Homeland Union–Lithuanian Christian Democrats (Conservatives), who received the highest number of votes during all the three elections (over 4.9 million).
The ruling Social Democratic Party will bag about 2.02 million litas, while another ruling party, the Labor Party, will get over 1.77 million litas and another 875,000 litas will go to the ruling Order and Justice Party.
The opposition Liberal Movement and the ruling Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania will receive more than 745,000 litas and 705,000 litas, respectively. The Path of Courage party will be given about 486,000 litas.
Another 437,000 litas will go to the Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union, while the Liberal and Center Union will get over 409,000 litas.
The state grants are provided to parties that received more than 3 percent of the vote of registered voters during the last elections to parliament, the European Parliament, and local governments.
The grants are paid twice a year, with the grant for the first semester transferred by April 15 and for the second by November 15. A total of 18.999 million litas are envisaged in this year's budget for parties.
After a ban on corporate sponsorship of political parties was introduced last year and donations from individuals were reduced to limited amounts during political campaigns only, state grants became the main source of income for political parties.