“I’d like to say that we do not rush, we are perhaps even late with its [3rd Energy Package] implementation. I’d like to remind that the initial deadline for the implementation of the Third Energy Package was envisaged in 2013 but the European Commission has shown understanding for Lithuania’s rationale of a certain delay, in particular as we are building a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal and are also negotiating the separation of the transmission system with Gazprom,” he said in an interview to Žinių Radijas (News Radio) on Tuesday.
The implementation of the Third Energy Package, which provides for the unbundling of gas transmission, supply, and distribution operations, has sparked disputes between Lithuania and Gazprom. In line with this package, Lithuania plans to unbundle the assets of Lietuvos Dujos (Lithuanian Gas) by the end of 2014. In particular, the gas supply pipelines of the Lithuanian gas imports and supply company, which is 37.1-percent owned by Gazprom, would be transferred to a new company that will be spun off from Lietuvos Dujos.