2012 05 19

Dalia Grybauskaitė's car attacked by angry protestors in Chicago

Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaitė, currently on a visit to NATO summit in Chicago, was met with hostility by the local Lithuanian community. In Lemont, a crowd of people carrying banners blocked the President's car. They were critical of Thursday's denouement to a Lithuanian child custody case where an eight-year-old daughter of Drąsius Kedys and Laimutė Stankūnaitė was handed to her mother.
Protesto akcija Lemonte
Protesto akcija Lemonte
Temos: 1 Garliava

The incident happened as the President was leaving after a meeting with representatives of US Lithuanian organizations in Lemont.

Videos of the crowd stoping Grybauskaitė's car were posted on YouTube. The comment under videos claims that the President only spoke to the "elite" and refused to answer difficult questions from the angry mob.

The banners were condemning Lithuania which was said to be "blind to children's tears."

The President's security officers had to get out of the car and move some of the most fervent protesters so the cortege could move forward.

Lemont's Lithuanian community has staged several protests before, opposing the Lithuanian court's decision that the girl in question be returned to Stankūnaitė. They have held services and fundraisers; two years ago, they tied purple bands - the color associated with the case - on all trees in Lemont's main street.


VIDEO: LR Prezidentės vizitas Lemonte. 2012.05.18

VIDEO: Prezidentė po susitikimo su "grietinėle" išneria pro užpakalines duris 2012.05.18

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