64 percent of students plan to study in Lithuanian higher schools. Meanwhile, 6 percent said they had no plans to go on to higher education. Another 13 percent said they had not made up their minds regarding further studies.
The majority of those having plans to study abroad said they planned to do so because of better opportunities (20 percent) and higher quality of education (15 percent) and they also hoped that an international degree might help them land a better job (19 percent).
Asked to name criteria for choosing a higher school in Lithuania, 46 percent of respondents said a preferred subject was the most important factor (46 percent). 18 percent said they would consider employment perspectives, while 8 percent indicated tuition fees as a decisive criterion.
Presenting the survey results, Lithuanian Minister of Education and Science Gintaras Steponavičius said he would be very saddened if employment perspectives were the main criterion for choosing a study program.
"On the contrary, I am glad that doing and choosing what you want is the most important thing for young people," the minister said.
The survey of 1,042 students was carried out for the Ministry of Education and Science.