Volvo's takes next step towards autonomous driving

2017-04-21 11:18
It won't be much longer until cars are able to drive themselves, but until that day, automakers will continue to incorporate autonomous technologies into future vehicles for the sake of safety and convenience. Just about every automaker currently uses some sort of active vehicle control whether it be for parking, braking or staying in an intended lane, and Volvo continues to be on the forefront of such technologies by demonstrating what it refers to as a traffic jam assistance system. Subscribe to Autoblog: and read more at Autoblog obsessively covers the auto industry. We are a trusted source of auto research, information, and automotive issues. Our love and passion for everything auto can be seen at, and in our original series 'The List' ( Autoblog's video property is a part of the AOL On Network, which includes great video from AOL Autos (, Moviefone (, Techcrunch (, Engadget (, The Huffington Post (, AOL On Entertainment (, AOL On Food (, and many other video properties. At Aol, we're in the business of making the internet better by producing high quality content that connects the best journalists, artists, and musicians right to you. Leave us a comment on any Aol video with your thoughts, feedback, and perspective! Get more Autoblog Read Autoblog: Like Autoblog: Follow Autoblog:
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