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Madaros pranešimas TED konferencijoje

Pasaulis kišenėje
2018-11-20 16:26
Does international volunteering make a good impact on local societies? Or maybe a volunteer, even with good intentions, enriches him/herself and stops the development of local communities? "I am currently a third year BA of Cultural history and Anthropology student. In the past few years I have engaged in several international volunteering projects based in Africa. Even though these experiences have changed my outlook on life for the better, it is questionable whether my social impact was effective and has given any benefits to local communities. I am inviting you to see volunteering and development work in a different light and understand how important it is to learn and take steps to improve ourselves before we can make a positive contribution to the wider world." This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
Temos: 1 Savanorystė

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