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Dark Lullabies Official Trailer

2016-09-23 09:45
Selected as one of the 50 greatest documentaries of all time. Dark Lullabies is a film about a generation possessed by a history in which it played no part. The filmmaker, Irene Lilienheim Angelico, brilliantly explores the impact of the Holocaust on a generation of Jews and Germans born after the war. Now, years later, many children of the survivors feel deeply affected by their parents' ordeal, just as their German contemporaries live with a burden of guilt, or often denial, about the crimes of their parents' generation. Dark Lullabies has drawn large audiences and critical acclaim throughout the world and has brought home six top international film prizes, including First Prize at the International Film Festival in Mannheim, Germany, and First Prize for The Most Memorable Film at The World Television Festival in Tokyo.
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