Dave - Trailer

2016-10-26 17:03
Susijęs straipsnis:
Just who runs this country anyway? For comedy fans, the answer is - Dave. KEVIN KLINE (A Fish Called Wanda, In & Out) and SIGOURNEY WEAVER (Working Girl, Ghostbusters) star in this box-office winner about an uncanny Presidential lookalike named Dave, who's recruited by the Secret Service to become a momentary stand-in for the President of the United States. However, things don't turn out exactly as planned and Dave finds himself continuing his masquerade as Chief Executive indefinitely...IVAN REITMAN (Ghostbusters and 6 Days, 7 Nights) directs and supporting players FRANK LANGELLA, VING RHAMES, BEN KINGSLEY and CHARLES GRODIN supply more reasons to stand up and cheer. Many real-life Washington politicos and pundits join the fun as Dave uses ordinary-guy savvy to deal with the extraordinary responsibilities of the Oval Office. "Hilarious fun. Dave wins a landslide of laughter." - Susan Wloszczyna, USA TODAY MPAA Rating: PG-13 Copyright 1993 Warner Brothers. All rights reserved. #Trailer #WB
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