Filmo „Dekalogas“ anonsas

2016-09-27 13:50
Susijęs straipsnis:
"Krzysztof Kieślowski's magnum opus “Dekalog” (or “The Decalogue”), a series of ten one-hour films inspired by the Ten Commandments. Originally made for Polish television, the series focuses on the residents of a housing complex in late-Communist Poland whose lives become intertwined as they face a variety of emotional dilemmas. The films grappled with complex existential questions about life, death, and everything in between. The series was acclaimed by critics worldwide, as well as filmmakers like Stanley Kubrick, who wrote an admiring foreword to the published screenplay in 1991. Now, Kieslowski’s masterpiece will return to theaters this fall, plus the Criterion Collection and Janus Films will release the series as well, including the longer theatrical versions of the series’ fifth and sixth films, “A Short Film About Killing” and “A Short Film About Love.”"
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