Filmo „Liguistai nesveiki žmonės“ anonsas

2014-03-26 21:23
In seinem Dokumentarfilm porträtiert der ukrainische Filmemacher Juri Rechinsky eine Gruppe obdachloser Kinder, die in einem Keller in Odessa Unterschlupf gefunden haben, einen Heranwachsenden auf der Suche nach seiner Mutter und ein Mädchen, das entgegen der Forderungen ihrer Familie ihr Kind zur Welt bringen will. Weitere Infos unter A documentary triptych about a group of homeless kids, who have survived their drug-addicted childhood, grew up and start to live an adult life. It's a story about a boy facing the surreal, degenerated society of his native village full of hate and sadistic anger while searching for his mother. It's a story about a pregnant girl who wants to give birth to her child whose childhood probably will be even worse then hers. But her own sisters are forcing her to make an abortion.
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