Filmo „Seklūs vandenys“ anonsas

2016-10-26 11:51
MA LOUTE (Slack Bay) Official Trailer directed by Bruno Dumont Subscribe HERE: Cannes 2016: In Competition at Cannes Film Festival 2016 Summer 1910, Slack Bay in the North of France. Mysterious disappearances have thrown the region into turmoil. The improbable Inspector Machin and his shrewd assistant Malfoy carry out an investigation. Through no fault of their own, they find themselves at the center of a strange and all-consuming love story between Ma Loute, the eldest son of a family of fishermen with rather particular habits, and Billie Van Peteghem, the youngest daughter of a wealthy, decadent bourgeois family from Lille. FilmIsNow Movie Trailers International your first stop for the latest new cinematic videos the moment they are released. Whether it is the latest studio trailer release, an evocative documentary, clips, TV spots, or other extra videos, the FilmIsNow team is dedicated to providing you with all the best new videos because just like you we are big movie fans.
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