La Dolce Vita Trailer - Starring Anita Ekberg Dir. Federico Fellini

2017-12-15 16:18
Fellini is one of the most original and creative minds of the 20th Century, unanimously ranked one of the greatest directors of all time, his iconic masterpiece, LA DOLCE VITA is always at the very top of polls. It’s a spectacular and acutely relevant soul-searching portrait of celebrity-obsessed culture in which Mastroianni plays a tabloid journalist who yearns to write seriously, but gets his sensationalist gossip stories by non-stop partying and sleeping with socialites; this apparent sweet-life – “la dolce vita” - both excites and repels him.. One of the most influential movies of all time, it finally gets the release it deserves in this new restored HD version filled with iconic images of the 1960s such as the mesmerizing sequence of Anita Ekberg’s frolicking in the Trevi Fountain. Not only did “Dolce Vita” and “Felliniesque” become modern-day words, but it also coined the term “paparazzi” (after the hero’s persistent photographer sidekick)
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