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NOWHERE BUT NOT THERE | dance performance

2022-10-20 11:35
We live in strange times. In the modern unknown of the modern man. By skillfully juggling roles, positions, opinions, wandering between memories, and visions of the future, drowning in a material and image-driven world, we experience our limits more and more painfully and become increasingly confused when approaching others. Once we find ourselves in the inevitable confrontation with ourselves and the environmental chaos, “midway upon the journey of our life”, we begin to look for the meaning of our existence. The creators reconsider human nature and try to get out of the modern Plato’s Cave in order to see beyond the horizon and to seek for the unknown. The creators' artistic gaze is set on a man, stuck in a kind of limbo state, between the past and the future, trying to find answers to fundamental and unfading existential questions: who am I and where am I going? Creative team: Marius Pinigis, Adrian Carlo Bibiano, Andrius Stakelė, Arūnas Mozūraitis, Mantas Stabačinskas, Vilma Pitrinaitė, Monika Šerstabojevaitė, Aistis Lansbergas. Duration: 50 minutes N18 Performance is supported by Lithuanian Council for Culture
Temos: 0