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2019 08 08

Arnas Labuckas baigia karjerą: „Niekada nebuvau talentingiausias žaidėjas“

Arnas Labuckas pranešė baigiantis profesionalaus krepšininko karjerą. Puolėjas 11 sezonų praleido Lietuvos krepšinio lygoje, o pastarąjį sezoną atstovavo Prienų „Skycop“ komandai.
Arnas Labuckas
Arnas Labuckas / Eriko Ovčarenko / BNS nuotr.
Temos: 1 Arnas Labuckas

„Niekada nebuvau talentingiausias, labiausiai įgudęs ar atletiškiausias žaidėjas, bet didžiuojuosi tuo, ką pasiekiau, – socialiniame tinkle „Instagram“ paskelbė 32-ejų A.Labuckas. – Tikiu, kad mano karjera galėjo būti geresnė, tačiau galbūt pritrūko sėkmės, galbūt papildomo darbo, o galbūt keli prasti sprendimai prie to prisidėjo.“

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Thank you, basketball.... For almost entire life you've been my passion, gave me more than I could ask for, you showed me the world, connected me with so many great people, becouse of you I met most important person in my life - my wife. I will never say goodbye to you, I will always be beside, one way or another, but now it's time to finish my professional career... This is not overnight decision, I've been living with it since the end of the last season. I am making it with peace of mind becouse I know it will be best for my family. I never been most talented, most skilled or most athletic player, but anyway I am proud and thankful what I managed to achieve, for some it may be nothing but I will never take this for granted. I believe I could have made a bigger career but maybe lack of luck, extra work or couple bad decisions didn't make it happen... I want to thank all teams I played for, all coaches, doctors, physios and teammates I met in my journey. But biggest Thank you is to my family. My mom, my father, my sister no matter where and how good or bad I played they always been together, always were my biggest fans. And finally to my own two wonders - my wife and my son. You are my true inspiration for whatever I will do next in life. Unfortunately, Kevinas will not remember daddy as a basketball player but I promise to show him this sport and together with mom be best coaches through his life. All endings are followed by the new beginnings and I am excited to see what's waiting for me. ???? Arnas Labuckas #retirement #professional #basketball #15years #career #77 #ending #newbegining #newchapter #life

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A.Labuckas geriausią sezoną LKL sužaidė 2014-2015 m. atstovaudamas Panevėžio „Lietkabeliui“. Per rungtynes jis rinko 13,3 taško ir 6,8 atkovoto kamuolio.

Karjerą LKL pradėjęs 2005-aisiais, puolėjas keturis sezonus atstovavo Vilniaus „Sakalams“. Jis taip pat keturis sezonus (2012-2015, 2018-2019) praleido Prienuose, du sezonus (2014-2016 m.) vilkėjo „Lietkabelio“ marškinėlius ir dalį 2013-2014 m. sezono atstovavo „Šiauliams“.

„Visos pabaigos turi naujas pradžias ir nekantrauju to, kas laukia manęs“, – rašė A.Labuckas.

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