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2020 07 13

Širdį veriantis atsisveikinimas: dėl sūnaus karjerą baigia B.Madgenas

Anksčiau Panevėžio „Lietkabelyje“ ir Vilniaus „Lietuvos ryte“ žaidęs australas Benas Madgenas dėl sunkaus sūnaus raidos sutrikimo nusprendė baigti krepšininko karjerą.
Benas Madgenas
Benas Madgenas / Žygimanto Gedvilos / BNS nuotr.

2016–2017 metų sezone gynėjas atstovavo „Lietkabeliui“, o kitą sezoną gynė tuomečio „Lietuvos ryto“ garbę, bet dabar deda tašką krepšininko kelyje.

„Atėjo laikas pasakyti „sudiev“ krepšiniui. Daugiau nei dešimtmetį aš gyvenau savo svajone ir bandžiau daryti teigiamą įtaką kuo daugiau žmonių.

Krepšinis man leido keliauti po pasaulį, patirtys, kurias gavau, ir žmonės, kuriuos sutikau, buvo nuostabūs. Nuostabus jausmas įgyvendinti savo svajonę“, – rašė B.Madgenas Instagrame.

Žygimanto Gedvilos / 15min nuotr./Benas Madgenas
Žygimanto Gedvilos / 15min nuotr./Benas Madgenas

Australas rašė, kad visų svarbiausia jam buvo siųsti vilties žinią ir matyti vaikus, besišypsančius nuo ausies iki ausies.

„Esu palaimintas, nes turiu du nuostabius sūnus ir savo žmoną Bria, atėjo laikas visą dėmesį skirti jiems, ypač mano mažajam Xavierui“, – atskleidė B.Madgenas.

Krepšininko sūnui buvo diagnozuotas autizmas, tad B.Madgenas nusprendė, jog krepšinis jam trukdo tinkamai juo rūpintis.

„Nėra svarbesnio vaidmens nei tėčio, žinau, kokie kritiškai svarbūs jam ateinantys metai, tad padėti žengti jam svarbų žingsnį yra ta misija, dėl kurios niekada nesigailėsiu“, – rašė 35-rių sportininkas.

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The time has come to say goodbye to playing basketball. For over a decade I have been living my dream of playing basketball and trying to make a positive impact on as many people as I could through the game. Basketball has taken me all over the world, the experiences I had and people I met along the way has been incredible; being able to live out my dream still seems surreal. As an athlete we are mainly judged by our on court performance, but I consider the most fulfilling achievement in my career as starting ‘Madgen’s Message of Hope’ and seeing those children have a smile from ear to ear after the game, win or lose, is something I will never forget. I’m blessed to have two beautiful boys with my wife Bria and the time has come to focus solely on them, particularly my little man Xavier. Xavi has been diagnosed with Autism and is being treated for PANDAS and the constant moving and strenuous schedule that comes with playing basketball puts a lot of strain and pressure on Xavi and my family. There is no more important role to me then dad and I know just how critical these formative years are for him and I know that helping him to put his best foot forward is something I’ll never regret. The last couple of years have been really challenging, however we have been shown so much kindness and support from so many people within the Autism & PANDAS community. We’d love to show the same kindness, so if there are any parents out there who’re just starting the journey and want to chat, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my wife or I. I’ve so many people to thank, all the great organisations I played for, all the coaching staff and teammates, my agent Warren, my family and friends for always being there for me, my mum and dad for their tireless efforts to give all us kids the best opportunity to live our dreams. I really want to say the biggest thank you to my amazing wife Bria! She has been on the ride with me the whole way, she squashed my self-doubts and pushed me to be the best I could be. She had our two boys in Europe and made sure everything was looked after so I could just focus on playing. I can’t thank you enough, I love you honey. I’m excited for what’s next!

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B.Madgenas dėkojo savo buvusioms komandoms, drauge žaidusiems krepšininkams, agentui Warrenui, šeimai ir draugams už tai, kad jie visada buvo šalia.

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