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2015 10 20

Prabangi parduotuvė neįsileido NBA žaidėjo ir iškvietė policiją

„Milwaukee Bucks“ aukštaūgis Johnas Hensonas pasidalijo nemalonia patirtimi. Krepšininkas norėjo apžiūrėti prabangių laikrodžių parduotuvę, tačiau pardavėjai jo neįsileido ir iškvietė policiją.
Johnas Hensonas
Johnas Hensonas / „Scanpix“/AP nuotr.
Temos: 1 NBA

J.Hensonas atvykęs į parduotuvę suprato, kad jos savininkai apsimeta, jog ji uždaryta ir nenori jo įsileisti.

„Jie užrakino duris ir pasakė man pasitraukti. Tuomet pastebėjau, kad atvyko policijos mašina. Pareigūnai mane stebėjo ir galiausiai priėjo paklausinėti. Jiems kilo klausimas, iš kur aš gavau tokią prabangią mašiną. Jie patikrino mano mašinos numerius ir tuomet patikino parduotuvės vadovus, kad aš nepavojingas“, – pasakojo krepšininkas.

J.Hensonas paragino nesilankyti rasistinių pažiūrų parduotuvėje: „Tai buvo vienas iš nemaloniausių ir labiausiai žeminančių patirčių mano gyvenime. Niekas negali diskriminuoti žmonių dėl jų rasės ar tautybės. Žmonės turi žinoti, kaip ši parduotuvė elgiasi su savo lankytojais.“

Went to @schwankekasten jewelry today in White-Fish Bay during regular business hours . They locked the door and told me to go away . After I rang the doorbell twice everyone went to the back. No answered the door or told me what was going on. This was followed by two police cars pulling up and parking across the street and watching me for 5 minutes ( I assumed they were called by the store ) . I was then approached by 2 officers and questioned about the dealer vehicle I was in which is apart of my endorsement deal with Kunes country Chevrolet and asked me what I wanted amongst other things that were just irrelevant to me being there just trying to shop at the store like a normal paying customer would do . I told them I was just trying to look at a watch. He then had to go in the back and tell them to come out it was safe but this is after they ran my plates and I overheard them talking about doing more of a background check on the car. The employees finally came out of the back and proceeded to conduct business like they previously were as we walked up . This was one of the the most degrading and racially prejudice things I've ever experienced in life and wouldn't wish this on anyone . This store needs to be called out and that's what I'm doing . You have no right to profile someone because of their race and nationality and this incident needs to be brought to light and I urge anyone who ever is thinking of shopping here reads this and doesn't bring any business to this discriminatory place .

A photo posted by @johnhenson31 on


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