"I can confirm that a tugboat under the Estonian flag was towing a dock from Kaliningrad to Tallinn. The dock had been registered in Kaliningrad on the Russian register. The tugboat was from Estonia. The floating dock is currently sunken near Būtingė," Milda Miltakytė, senior specialist at the Transport Accident and Incident Investigation Division at the Lithuanian Ministry of Transport and Communications, told BNS on Thursday.
"The investigation is underway, all related information is confidential until the conclusions of the investigation are available. I should not be giving any comment," she said.
Neringa Maciūtė of the Lithuanian Maritime Safety Administration told BNS that the dock went down close to a navigation channel – entry into the Būtingė terminal. In her words, the incident did not interrupt vessel traffic.
"There are no interruptions but ships should be more careful in the zone, as specialists who visited the site told me about a crane is sticking out of the water," Maciūtė said.
A floating dock towed from Kaliningrad to Tallinn sunk in Lithuania's territorial waters near the Būtingė terminal on Tuesday.Aadu Luksepp, a representative of the Estonian company PKL that owns the tugboat, told BNS that the dock was insured.