The president handed in a national flag and said Lithuania was proud of its athletes as those who managed to achieve the highest selection standards were already among the best.
"You are the second wave of Olympic athletes. I am handing in this Lithuanian national flag as a present from the president and the whole country. You will all be winners under this flag, no matter what the score is. Just the fact that you will have a Lithuanian flag in you hands is a victory for us all," Grybauskaitė said in a statement.
11 athletes, including a goalball team, four track-and-field athletes and one swimmer, will represent Lithuania at the London Paralympics.
Since 1990, Lithuanian Paralympics athletes have won four golden, 11 silver, and 15 bronze medals.
The London Paralympics will take place from 29 August until 9 September.
Luko Balandžio nuotr./Išlydėtuvių akimirka |