homes. With the goal to promote sustainability topic – we are stepping outside IKEA store and we look for innovative and creative ways to engage with the many people – through sustainable summer camp. It will allow to attractively and understandably share knowledge, will support forming daily sustainable habits via personal experience, creative tasks and team play.’, says Jolita Juodzevičienė, Market Manager at IKEA Lithuania.
According to J. Juodzevičienė, the price for a week in camp will meet IKEA everyday low price commitment – the fee for one child including catering, prepared on-site, will cost 118 Eur.
Offer for children: from earthworm farm to Swedish tea break FIKA
The camp has been initiated by IKEA and organized by Democratic School. Its manager Nerijus Buivydas says that the sustainability camp will focus on children's practical activities and understanding their contribution to the future of our planet.
‘I have noticed that children truly care about sustainability. They tend to change their habits and protect nature more if only adults explain to them the universal law of Cause and Effect. The most fascinating thing is that children follow their hearts and do not think as adults do, e.g. I alone cannot change anything. They just start doing something, like sorting waste, and believe that they are contributing to a cleaner environment.’ says manager of the school. He names the activities for teaching about conscious consumption and resource-saving.
‘We will introduce children to natural resources, like sun, wind, forest, water, and etc. We will also strongly focus on developing skills of sustainable consumption. On top of that, we will go to the forest nearby to get to know trees and birds, learn how to make paper and how to use wind energy. We will discuss the solutions and ways to prevent and reduce plastic waste. There will also be such activities as growing a garden, creating a food Vlog, making herbarium, building earthworm farm, playing sorting games and more.’ says the representative of Democratic school.
Sustainability will be reflecting on catering for children, which will be prepared on-site. The planned menu contains organic food products, plant alternative for usual food, like vegetable hotdogs. Camp visitors, following the Swedish tradition, will be offered daily FIKA – Swedish tea break.
The camp initiated by IKEA is being established in the 1.7 ha territory of Democratic school covered by pine trees. Among it you will find several camping tents, 20 sq. m. each, furnished by IKEA for children to have experiments, community activities and play. In total, up to 60 children separated into groups will be able to attend the camp at the time. Ten person team will take care of their entertainment, education, catering.