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Mirė serialų „Santa Barbara“, „Beverli Hilsas, 90210“ aktorius Jedas Allanas

Eidamas 84-uosius savo namuose, artimiausių žmonių rate mirė serialų „Beverli Hilsas, 90210“, „Santa Barbara“, „Mūsų gyvenimo dienos“ aktorius Jedas Allanas. Per pastarąsias savaites tai jau antroji netektis serialo „Beverli Hilsas, 90210“ gerbėjams – neseniai nuo insulto mirė aktorius Luke'as Perry.
Marcy Walker, Jedas Allanas ir Robin Wright seriale „Santa Barbara“
Jedas Allanas, Marcy Walker ir Robin Wright seriale „Santa Barbara“ / Vida Press nuotr.

Apie aktoriaus mirtį socialiniame tinkle „Facebook“ pranešė jo sūnus Rickas Brownas, jis pasidalijo jautria žinute: „Man labai nemalonu pranešti šią skaudžią žinią. Tėtis mirė nesikankindamas, apsuptas bei mylimas šeimos ir daugelio kitų.“

Jedas Allanas geriausiai žinomas dėl vaidmens seriale „Santa Barbara“, ten jis įkūnijo SiSi Kepvelą. Jis taip pat vaidino tokiose muilo operose kaip „Mūsų gyvenimo dienos“ bei „Beverli Hilsas, 90210“.

Po žinios apie 84-erių J.Allano mirtį, užuojauta ir prisiminimais ėmė dalintis ir kiti kolegos aktoriai. Jautrią žinutę parašė „Beverli Hilsas, 90210“ aktorius Ianas Zieringas.

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The actor Jed Allan walked on yesterday. Among his many unforgettable roles was that of CC Capwell, the powerful patriarch around whom the tempests of story swirled in NBC’s daytime drama Santa Barbara for many remarkable years. Jed was a pro’s pro in every sense, and an inspired artist in the moments when the red lights came on — he was fearless, and his work moved millions. I first met him in the early seventies, when his son Mitch Brown and I were cast mates on the TV series, The Cowboys. With his effervescent wife Toby at his side, he quietly asked me to keep a watchful eye out for Mitch, as it was his first gig. Jed was already a star by then, and he was as warm and articulate and charming as anyone I’d ever met. A decade later, when he came to Santa Barbara, the show finally began to find its eventually glorious stride. I LOVED working with him, as did everyone else who got the chance. Years later, he visited me backstage during the difficult run of a play I was doing — offered typically generous support — and then spoke of the loss of Toby, the love of his life, who had passed away shortly before, with literally no warning. (It was hard to imagine a human being missing another more...) In my dream, the two of them are dancing together again tonight — a great comfort to all who’ve known and loved them over the years. Condolences now to their wonderful sons, and gratitude to Jed for his unerring joy in the telling of stories, and for offering always the embrace of his massive heart. #JedAllan #ForceOfNature #TheFamilyYouChoose

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J.Allanas vaidinti TV serialuose pradėjo dar 1963-aisiais. Muilo operoje „Santa Barbara“ aktorius debiutavo 1986 metais ir vaidino ten iki 1993 metų. Tais pačiais metais jis buvo pakviestas į serialą „Beverli Hilsas, 90210“. praneša, kad J.Allanas buvo vedęs Toby Brown, ji 2001 metais mirė. Aktorius turi tris sūnus.

15min primena, kad tai jau antra serialo „Beverli Hilsas, 90210“ aktorių mirtis per pastarąją savaitę. Kovo pradžioje, po insulto užgeso serialo žvaigždės Luke'o Perry gyvybė.

TAIP PAT SKAITYKITE: Mirė serialo „Beverli Hilsas, 90210“ žvaigždė Luke'as Perry

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