Alien guinea pig on mars - Curiosity rover sol52

2017-04-21 11:18
UFO by ISS Feb 2015! Video award....someone entered it :) Someone pointed out in the comments that the Swedish word for guinea pig is " Marsvin" This translates to March Wine or March swine. March is named after Mars, and swine is mars pig makes more sense in english. Coincidence?? So, i had some people message me and point me in the direction of this image. After looking at it, it does appear there is a rodent like animal between some rocks. Ive put the image of the guinea pig in the video as a comparison if you dont know what a guinea pig is. Im not saying its a guinea looks rodent like. A very cool image showing something....weird..possibly life on mars...or proof this whole thing was staged. This image holds a lot of anomalies. Courtesy of NASA :) Rodents on Mars!!! The announcement NASA should have made december 2012 #AlienGuineaPig Τρωκτικό στον Άρη القوارض على سطح المريخ Roedores en Marte
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