Best ENHANCED AUDIO of scary noises heard around the world

2016-04-15 16:44
SUBSCRIBE to keep your self update i don't upload much so no spam worries ;) Seven trumpets will sound before the end of the age and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ( Revelation 8:7 ) Worldwide, more and more people begin to notice ... a horrifying sound that moves through the atmosphere. SOME CALL IT THE HUM i call it idk wtf it is you be the judge of this i cant explain it, some look made up some look really real i personally think its real and no i am not religious and believe in ghost gods or any of that other stuff so leave your comments SUBSCRIBETE PARA QUE TE MANTENGAS ACTUALIZADO!!!! Ruidos parecidos a truenos, cuando no hay tormenta, silbidos, zumbidos que llegan del cielo, algunos realmente extraños, están siendo reportados en todo el mundo y algunas veces precediendo a terremotos. El fenómeno ha sido observado por miles de personas en estadios de fútbol americano y algunas ciudades. #strange #unknown #crazy #aliens #space #sounds #scary #conspiracy #real #believe #best #compilation
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