„World Press Photo“ paroda. Apsilankykite

Boston Dynamics: New Robots Now Fight Back

2019-06-17 16:08
Consider Our Merchandise! ► http://bit.ly/Corridor_Store WATCH HOW WE MADE THIS (Amazing) ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCuG-KJacp8 The new robots at Boston Dynamics keep getting more and more sophisticated... Consider Subscribing ► http://bit.ly/subscribe_to_corridor Motion Capture Suit We Used ► http://bit.ly/Xsens_MoCap_Suit OUR PERFECT CAMERA SETUP ►https://bhpho.to/2FJpQmR FOLLOW US ► Instagram: http://bit.ly/_Corridor_Instagram Sub-Reddit: http://bit.ly/_Corridor_Sub-Reddit Twitter: http://bit.ly/_Corridor_Twitter SUPPORT US ► Patreon: http://bit.ly/_Corridor_Patreon_Support Merch: http://bit.ly/Corridor_Store DISCLAIMER ► This video is a comedic parody and is not in anyway associated with the actual Boston Dynamics Robotics Company.
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