China's Massive Warship Of The Future Can Hide Under Water - Today News

2017-06-06 13:51
China's Massive Warship Of The Future Can Hide Under Water. China has begun developing a massive warship with the potential to carry hundreds of guided missiles and to be partially or completely submerged under water to avoid detection. The futuristic design does not yet have an official title, but it is believed to be modeled after a conceptual warship called an arsenal ship, according to an article published Thursday by Popular Science. The U.S. Navy first floated the idea in the 1990s, but funding proved a major obstacle. In recent years, however, designs of such a ship with underwater capabilities have been appearing in Chinese military research circles, including some by the late Professor Dong Wei Cai. Dong, who received four national awards for his research. He discussed the model in a number of Chinese television reports and was reportedly still working on the details when he died in January 2016. Despite his death, two major concepts shopped by Dong live on, and may pave the way for future warships.
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