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Elon Musk, Minecraft Challenge Accepted (SpaceX to LAX tunnel)

2017-02-14 15:42
Produced by the same crew that brought you Minecraft Tesla Gigafactory. As part of his dream of a traffic-free future, Elon Musk has been talking for a while now about boring a tunnel under Los Angeles from the HQ of his SpaceX company to LAX, the city’s airport. In fact, he has actually started taking the first steps towards making this seemingly crazy idea come true. On Feb 3 a tweet showing a picture of the first drilling operations was accompanied by a single word: “Minecraft”. That was inspiration enough for a team of Lithuanian techies, who decided to complete the entire project for Mr. Musk in just two days. In Minecraft. The group had already caught the attention of Tesla before this latest creation. They recently pitched Lithuania as the best location for Tesla’s Gigafactory 2 by building the future factory in Minecraft over two days on a version of a real location in the Baltic country. And Tesla seemed impressed, tweeting: “Lithuania knows the way to our heart” shortly after the project was completed. Minecraft Tesla Gigafactory: More info: Sound: Listen to Should I Be by Dj Quads
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