The “Dressed Qubit” - breakthrough in quantum state stability

2016-10-21 10:30
Engineers from UNSW’s Centre for Quantum Computation & Communication Technology (CQC2T) have created a new quantum bit which remains in a stable superposition for 10 times longer than previously achieved, dramatically expanding the time during which calculations could be performed in a future silicon quantum computer. MORE INFO: TRANSCRIPT OF STORY AUDIO Arne Laucht: “Our team has created a new quantum bit, or qubit, by merging the spin of a single atom in silicon with a strong oscillating electromagnetic field. It's called a ‘dressed qubit’ – a qubit dressed by the field. The dressed qubit retains quantum information much longer than the standard spin qubit. That is a big advantage for us when we want to build a reliable quantum computer in silicon.” Andrea Morello: “The qubit is the special carrier of information that we use to create, for example, entangled states, which are the peculiar, purely quantum computer code we need to use to unlock the powerful parallel processing power of quantum computers. But the quantum information encoded in the qubit can be fragile. The longer we can hold on to that information, the more powerful computation we're able to perform. Our single atom spin qubits in silicon are already very robust. They are among the best in the world. But with the new dressed qubit, we have succeeded in extending the life span of the information encoded in the qubit, by yet another factor of 10.” Arne Laucht: “To create the dressed qubit, we subject the electron spin to a strong, continuously oscillating electromagnetic field at microwave frequencies. This redefines the quantum bit as the orientation of the qubit with respect to the oscillation electromagnetic field.” Andrea Morello: “We can control the dressed qubit by simply modulating the frequency of the microwave field, just like you would broadcast a voice through an FM radio channel. By comparison the undressed qubit requires turning the amplitude of the control fields on and off, a bit like an AM radio, which is more susceptible to noise and external disturbances." Arne Laucht: “This result gives us a new tool to create a powerful and reliable quantum processor in silicon, using standard fabrication methods as used for everyday computers.” ENDS For more factual videos like this subscribe. We're the official channel of UNSW Sydney, a brilliantly located university between the coast and the city.
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