„Simpsonuose“ nebuvo numatyta Baltimorės tilto griūtis

2024-04-07 12:04
It's become chic as of late to say "Simpsons did it first" when scenarios scripted into the long-running animated sitcom wind up taking place to one degree or another in real life. One of the most cited examples is the off-handed comment about President Trump by cartoon President Lisa Simpson in the episode "Bart to the Future," which first aired in 2000. However, with the advent of photo editing software and artificial intelligence programs, it has become easier for people to create images that could theoretically have come from the "Simpsons" animated universe and claim it as another example of the series' penchant for prediction. Such is the case of an image that has been circulating in the days since the collapse of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key bridge. One social media user even cites an episode from which the "prediction" is supposed to have originated - "Season 35, Episode 8." The image depicts Simpson patriarch Homer watching on from the deck of another ship, coffee in hand, as a large ship rams a bridge. Smaller ships, containers, and debris litter the water, as an unidentified male character and a girl who appears to be Lisa Simpson look out from a few paces ahead of Homer. MORE: https://www.wtsp.com/article/news/verify/fox54-verified/verify-no-the-simpsons-did-not-predict-the-baltimore-bridge-disaster/525-eec89f86-280a-4bf1-baef-d7760c5bf7a0 ►Subscribe: https://on.wtsp.com/youtube ►Website: https://www.wtsp.com/ ►Facebook: https://facebook.com/10TampaBay ►X: https://twitter.com/10TampaBay

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