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Daddy Was a Milkman - "Bed, a Book & a Smoke"

2017-04-09 17:40
Some mornings we just don‘t want to get up. Not in a bad or depressed way, but more like a positive little riot agaist the world way. When things are not going well there‘s no energy to do stuff, so sometimes, as an expression of being sick of it, you stay in bed. Just becouse you can. You have coffee, read books, watch movies and put everything else away. Thing is, you even know it‘s kind of wrong, but you couldn‘t care less and even feel good about it. A break before a solution is a good thing. Music: Ignas Pociūnas / Vitas Vaičiulis Lyrics: Ignas Pociūnas Vocals: Ignas Pociūnas Mastering: Emery ( Photo: Egle Berruti Graphics: Jurate Banyte-Gudeliene
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