Face of Courage : Breaking the barriers of victimism

2016-01-17 17:09
"A splash of heat blinded her and they stole the one thing she couldn't replace, her Face. For a very long time she didn't see the mirror, until the ‪#‎spotlight‬ hit her and she loved her ‪#‎reflection‬" To the eyes that are used to seeing ‪#‎fashion‬ models with flawless skins dolled up in front of the cameras everyday, this view was both disturbing and inspiring. For a moment we had seen ‪#‎beauty‬ in a very different way and all we thought was to capture it to give it a meaning,to remove any speck of being a victim from those ‪#‎eyes‬ and give them a stage,an ‪#‎employment‬, a platform a medium to flaunt it with style. Hence came in the existence of a new fashion hope " ‪#‎FaceofCourage‬" .Face of courage is an initiative by ‪#‎VivanDiva‬ featuring an ‪#‎acidattack‬ ‪#‎victim‬ as the face of a fashion line. The now ‪#‎model‬ Lakshmi is a part of the ‪#‎Chav‬ ‪#‎Foundation‬. ‪#‎Lakshmi‬ is a very strong girl who has taken this step forward setting an example for all the ‪#‎females‬ who have been stolen of one thing or the other. We believed in her to become a model and it was a wow moment seeing her pose and flash smiles to the camera. Our hearty congratulations and thanks to Rego Advertising and Stop Acid Attacks . Watch and Share to spread our initiative !!
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