Federal Express (FedEx) Flight 705 ATC Recording (Longer version)

2024-05-10 12:39
??????? ??????? ?????? ??? was scheduled domestic cargo flight from Memphis to San Jose, operated by a McDonnell Douglas DC-10 (Reg. N306FE) on ????? ?, ????. En route, the flight was involved in a hijack attempt by Auburn R. Calloway, who the prosecution argued was trying to commit suicide. Calloway, a Federal Express employee, was due to be fired for lying on his résumé about his previous flying experience with the United States Navy. He was intending to murder the flight crew of Flight 705 with hammers and then to use the plane for a kamikaze attack on FedEx Headquarters in Memphis and hoping that he would appear to be an employee killed in an accident. He sought to let his family collect on a $2.5 million life insurance policy provided by Federal Express. He attacked just minutes after takeoff, brutally wounded the flight crew with hammers and fractured the skull of the first officer. A lengthy struggle ensued with the flight engineer and captain. The first officer managed to control the plane as the three others struggled in the cockpit. By means of extreme aerial manoeuvres meant to keep the attacker off balance, the flight crew eventually succeeded in restraining him. The DC-10 landed safely at Memphis International Airport despite the plane's being loaded with fuel and too heavy to land under normal circumstances.
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