Kova už gyvybę: slidininkas nufilmavo po sniego lavina palaidoto draugo gelbėjimą Alpėse

2015-03-23 18:20
It is important to learn from the mistakes of others as well as yourself. I have uploaded this video to act as a learning tool to demonstrate what ill preparedness looks like in an avalanche rescue situation. As the buried skier, I am incredibly lucky to be alive. A full write up of the incident is available here: http://avalanchesurvival.tumblr.com This video documents an avalanche accident that occurred in the Swiss Alps on the 30/01/2015. The accident happened within the resort boundary on a slope not known for slides. Please be careful and never take safety for granted. Decision making is paramount whenever off piste and always carry a beacon, probe and shovel. Most importantly get educated. Stay safe. Footage courtesy of Daniel O'Sullivan.
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