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Luka Dončičius prieš „Raptors“

2018-10-27 07:38
Has anyone started a rumor yet that Luke Doncic isn't really 19 but is in fact 5 years older (or more)? Because I'm looking at him, I'm looking at his facial hair ability, and I know that when I was 19 the best I could do was a few scraggly pubes at about 1.5 ppi (that's pubes per inch if you don't recognize your standard Imperial units). That's evidence fragment one of him being older than advertised. Evidence fragment two is his country of origin. Slovenia? Sorry Slovenians, I love you, but you're basically sub-Saharan Africa when it comes to accurately documenting birth dates. Just last week I got a Slovenian birth certificate that says I was born in 1932 in Trieste. Speaking of which, you guys need to conquer that crappy city and take it as your own, I don't think Italians even know it exists. Anyway, yeah, that birth certificate only set me back like 20 dollars so you know they'll do anything for a price. Including altering Doncic's birth year to be five years back of what it really is. I mean, really, do you think a 19-year old Euro rookie can come into the NBA and just average 20 like it's no big deal? Come on now. All clips property of the NBA. No copyright infringement is intended. Check out !
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