2020-09-28 10:48
IN ENGLISH BELOW Ketvirtą kartą visoje Lietuvoje surengta bendra motociklininkų ir neregių kelionė „Mane veža“ dėl koronaviruso sukeltos sumaišties buvo kiek kuklesnė nei planuota. Šįmet susirinko 150 dalyvių visoje Lietuvoje. Tačiau net susibūrę mažesnėmis grupėmis akcijos dalyviai sukūrė fantastišką šventę. Didžiausias šiųmetės „Mane veža“ siurprizas – Lietuvos ralio čempionas ir legendinis 2020-ųjų Dakaro ralio lenktynininkas, Vaidotas Žala. Ši akcija teigia, kad draugystėje nelieka negalios ir paneigia stereotipą, kad motociklininkai yra chuliganai. Lietuvos aklųjų ir silpnaregių sąjunga sako, kad tai - unikalus renginys ne tik Europoje, bet galbūt ir visame pasaulyje. 2017 m. daugelis keleivių motociklu važiavo pirmą kartą gyvenime, 2018 m. akcija buvo nominuota Nacionaliniuose lygybės ir įvairovės apdovanojimuose, 2019 m. Lietuvoje susirinko 200, Latvijoje - dar 100 dalyvių, pavadinimu RIDE2SHARE. “Ši akcija suteikė mano svajonei prasmę: važiuoti motociklu buvo mano svajonė ir pagaliau aš ja galiu dalintis su kitais - ne tik važiuoti dėl savęs.” (Liudas Bradauskas, vairuotojas) “Po akcijos pasijaučiau drąsesnis, ryžtingesnis. Atsirado svajonių, kurios virto planais ir netgi įgyvendintais projektais, nors anksčiau maniau, kad jie neįgyvendinami dėl mano negalios.” (Sigitas Sinkevičius, keleivis) “Prieš akciją aš pati bijojau prieiti ir susipažinti su neregiu - trūko žinių arba tiesiog paskatinimo iš visuomenės, pavyzdžių, kaip tai padaryti. Ogi labai paprastai - dabar jau žinau! MANE VEŽA tikslas - kad keleiviai ir vairuotojai taptų bičiuliais, draugais, kuriems gera kartu dalintis gyvenimu.” (Aldona Juozaitytė-Pieva, idėjos autorė ir organizatorė) // The joint trip of motorcyclists and the blind people “RIDE2SHARE“ was organized all over Lithuania for the fourth time, but it was slightly more modest than planned due to the confusion caused by Coronavirus. However, the participants of the campaign created a fantastic celebration even in smaller groups. The biggest surprise of this year’s “RIDE2SHARE“ campaign was Vaidotas Žala, Lithuanian rally champion and 2020's legendary Dakar Rally racer A unique campaign that has never been held anywhere in Europe (and possibly in the world) named “RIDE2SHARE“ was so successful that both Aldona and her fellow motorcyclists and people from LASS were full of excitement until the end of the year. In addition, if in the first year there was a lot of effort to gather a group of one hundred and fifty participants, it was an important shift this year: an army of drivers is much larger than the passengers. “I am well aware that during contact with the blind or visually impaired, people are a little confused, do not know how to behave, when to help and how to offer. Probably this is the reason everyone was a little constrained or didn’t dare join the campaign “RIDE2SHARE“ at all first year. But the feedback from the people for whom the campaign was intended was so strong and so positive that any doubts were dispelled. The number of those who wanted to create that positive feedback increased significantly“ – tells A. Juozaitytė. This campaign states there is no disability in friendship and refutes the stereotype that motorcyclists are hooligans. Lithuanian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired says it is a unique event not only in Europe but perhaps around the world. In 2017, many passengers rode a motorcycle for the first time; in 2018, the campaign was nominated for the National Equality and Diversity Awards; in 2019, there were 200 participants in Lithuania and 100 participants in Latvia under the name RIDE2SHARE. “This campaign gave meaning to my dream: riding a motorcycle was my dream and finally I can share it with others, not just ride for myself.” (Liudas Bradauskas, driver) “I feel more brave and determined after the campaign. There were dreams that turned into plans and even implemented projects, even though I used to think they were impossible to implement due to my disability.” (Sigitas Sinkevičius, pillion) “Before the campaign, I myself was afraid to approach and meet the blind person. There was a lack of knowledge or just encouragement from the public, examples of how to do it. It is very simple – now I know! Purpose of RIDE2SHARE is passengers and drivers becoming friends and sharing the life together.” (Aldona Juozaitytė-Pieva, author of idea and organiser)
Temos: 1 Motociklas

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