Manikiūras su spausdintu paveikslėliu

2014-10-07 18:08
My very first nail art tutorial, eek! There may be very many mistakes, I've watched it so many times through I can't see them anymore, so I apologise in advance. I created this set a short while back as part of the 31 Day Challenge: Inspired by a Film, and had a few people ask me whether or not I would make a tutorial.. so here it is! [Edit: I'm aware of the sound drowning.. It changed on export :( will fix this for future vids!] Required materials: White nail polish - Snow Me White by Sinful Colors Cotton wool pads Laser printed/Photocopied images on white paper Listerine Small pot Optional: Set of false plastic nails Big thank you to Mags - for suggesting Listerine to me a while back. I really hope this is helpful to somebody, I've tried to keep it as short as possible with a few subtitles, so if you don't want to hear me jabbering on, you don't have to!^^ Website & Blog: Instagram: Facebook: Google+: This set is also available on false nails along with other designs in my Etsy shop: Music credit: Two Steps from Hell & Auidomachine Please remember that although I'm showing this nail art method in my tutorial I did not come up with the initial idea of the 'newspaper nails' style.. I learned from others as so many of us do in the nail art community.
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