Meksikos revoliucijos laikotarpio kino kronikos kadrai, kuriuose įamžintas ir Pancho Villa

2021-03-05 16:58
The American Army under the direction of General Pershing went to Mexico in response to Panch Villa's raid on Columbus. President Wilson sent 5,000 men of the U.S. Army under General John Pershing into Mexico to capture Villa. Employing aircraft and trucks for the first time in US Army history, Pershing's force chased Villa until February 1917.[28] The search for Villa was unsuccessful.[3] However, some of Villa's senior commanders (Colonel Candelario Cervantes, General Francisco Beltrán, Beltrán's son and Villa's second-in-command Julio Cárdenas) and a total of 190 of his men were killed during the expedition.[29] The Mexican population were against US troops in Mexican territories. There were several demonstrations of their opposition to the Punitive Expedition and that counted towards the failure of that expedition. During the expedition, Carranza's forces captured one of Villa's top generals, Pablo Lopez; he was executed on June 13, 1916. Camera crews recorded the war. S036 Source:
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