Paulo George'o trauma

2014-12-21 19:35
Make Sure to Subscribe! With a little over 9 minutes left in the 4th quarter of the annual USA Basketball Game In Las Vegas, Paul George sustained a very serious injury very similar to Kevin Ware's Injury. At this time, we are unaware of how long it may take for full recovery, or weather or not he will be able to play next season. Let's put Paul in all our prayers tonight, it's such a shame it had to happen. I decided to make this video to review this rising superstars journey, and encourage him further, to become the superstar he was meant to be. Paul George Paul George Paul George Paul George Paul George Paul George Breaking his Ankle Paul George Breaking his Ankle Paul George Breaking his Ankle Paul George Breaking his Ankle Paul George Breaking his Ankle Paul George Leg Paul George Leg Paul George Leg Paul George Leg Paul George Leg Paul George Injury Paul George Injury Paul George Injury Paul George Injury Paul George Injury Paul George Breaking his Ankle USA Paul George Breaking his Ankle USA Paul George Breaking his Ankle USA Paul George Breaking his Ankle USA Paul George Breaking his Ankle USA Paul George horrific Injury Paul George horrific Injury Paul George horrific Injury Paul George horrific Injury Paul George horrific Injury
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