Performansas „Atminti“ | Performance To Retain

2024-05-06 13:37
[LT] Prasminių slinkčių tarp judesio, garso ir vaizdo, simbolių ir ženklų pripildytas videoperformansas „Atminti“ skirtas pagerbti ir šviesiai prisiminti tuos, kurių netekome. Išieškotas ir sukurtas autentiškose IX forto erdvėse, smurtinės egzekucijos vietoje. Ten, iš kur beveik niekas negrįžo. Ten, kur betono sienų virpesiuose vis dar sklinda sielvarto atodūsiai, lubų rėžiuose aidi aimana. Išgirstą aimaną suvokti ne visiems lemta – tik tiems, kurie fiziškai ir intelektualiai išgyveno Holokausto siaubą. (Erika Vizbaraitė) Choreografė Erika Vizbaraitė, videomenininkas Marius Paplauskas. „Love is stronger than hate, anger can destroy you, appreciate that you have, respect your self and others will respect you too. God bless you all and have a great life,“ – Holokaustą išgyvenusio Henrio Kronbergo (Henry Kronberg) žodžiai. --- [EN] Filled with meaningful shifts between movement, sound and image as well as symbols and signs, the video performance "To Remember" is meant to honour and remember those we have lost. It was thought out and created in the authentic spaces of the Ninth Fort, the site of a violent execution. A place from which almost no one has returned, where sighs of grief still spread in the vibrations of the concrete walls and where moans echo in the ceiling frames. Not everyone is destined to understand this moan, only those who have physically and intellectually survived the horrors of the Holocaust. (Erika Vizbaraitė) Choreographer Erika Vizbaraitė and video artist Marius Paplauskas "Love is stronger than hate, anger can destroy you, appreciate that you have, respect your self and others will respect you too. God bless you all and have a great life," words of a Holocaust survivor Henry Kronberg.

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