„World Press Photo“ paroda. Apsilankykite

Prince Ea vaizdo įrašas apie mokymo sistemas sulaukė milijonų peržiūrų

2016-11-18 18:23
THE PEOPLE VS THE SCHOOL SYSTEM How do YOU think we can create a better future of learning. Go here and share your thoughts on the topic! http://www.bit.ly/2ciqj4z Music by: http://djsneverendingstory.com/ Filmed and Edited by http://shareability.com/ Directed By Joel Bergvall and Joe Lombardi (https://vimeo.com/aztechfilm) Awesome Animation and Graphics By Hodja Berlev (https://www.facebook.com/Neonbyte-382305275259022/) Casting and Assistant Production By: Spencer Sharp (https://www.facebook.com/dispencery/?hc_ref=SEARCH) BOOK REFERENCES. If you are interested in learning more on the subject I would suggest a few books to get started 1) Weapons of Mass Instruction by John Taylor Gatto 2) Creative Schools by Ken Robinson 3) I Love Learning; I Hate School by Susan D Blum 4) The One World SchoolHouse by Salman Khan Join My Motivational List and get Exclusive Videos, Discounts and Updates http://princeea.com/exclusive Prince EA http://www.facebook.com/princeea http://www.twitter.com/PrinceEa // @PrinceEa http://www.princeea.com http://princeea.tumblr.com