Revealing The Truth

2017-04-21 11:18
Revealing The Truth About Vincent Van Gogh Portrait: Revealing The Truth: Long long time ago a stranger asked me to make his portrait... So I did. I sent him the image and I never heard back from him again since that moment. Than I saw one painting and I felt that it was very familiar to me: And then I got it - It was a copy of my photo! I did a little research on that and it seem that the guy who draw(copied) it is quite well known around... His name is Vincent Van Gogh and I was lucky enough to make his portrait. Pity that he never mentioned me and I can't find his contact now... This video is a comparison of both images ----- Photo and Video © 2013 Tadao Cern Music by music genius Chilly Gonzales 'White Keys' ------ Explanation for people who got confused: text above is just a joke. This image is a digital recreation of the artist's most iconic self-portraits using photography and digital retouching. The video is a comparison of a painting and my image.
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