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Sirgalius pasidarė asmenukę su Cristiano Ronaldo

2016-06-19 17:25
A fan ran on to the field after the Portugal match ended to take a selfie with Cristiano Ronaldo. Cristiano Ronaldo snaps selfie with fan who ran on field (Video) It was a rather strange day in the Euros, as Portugal and Austria played to a scoreless draw on the day. Even more strange, was the penalty kick that Cristiano Ronaldo missed during the game that could have won it for Portugal. That wasn’t the only strange occurrence on this day in the Euros 2016. During the match, a fan ran onto the field and while they are usually tackled and carried off the field, this fan decided that he wanted a selfie with Ronaldo. Before he was taken away, Ronaldo obliged the pitch invader for a quick selfie While running on the field is absolutely moronic and not encouraged at all, give credit to this fan and Ronaldo for connecting on a rather cool moment, despite the fact it wasn’t the best day at the office for Ronaldo. He might be off to jail, but this fan will forever have the story of a lifetime that he will remember forever going forward. Ronaldo gestured to a security official to stay back and make sure the fan got the picture. The man ran across half the field from behind one goal and caught up with Ronaldo near the halfway line. The security officer and another official waited for the photo to be taken and then led the fan away. Ronaldo missed a 79th-minute penalty and had a headed goal disallowed minutes later in his team’s 0-0 draw with Austria at the European Championship. 10:55 p.m. A fan ran on to the field after the Portugal match ended to take a selfie with Cristiano Ronaldo. Ronaldo gestured to a security official to stay back and make sure the fan got the picture. The man ran across half the field from behind one goal and caught up with Ronaldo near the halfway line. The security officer and another official waited for the photo to be taken and then led the fan away. Ronaldo missed a 79th-minute penalty and had a headed goal disallowed minutes later in his team's 0-0 draw with Austria at the European Championship. Un fan du Portugal est entré sur la pelouse à la fin du match contre l'Autriche (0-0) et a réussi à prendre un selfie avec le triple Ballon d'Or Cristiano Ronaldo, qui a patienté pendant que ce supporter réglait son téléphone, avant d'être raccompagné, pleurant de joie, par les stadiers, samedi au Parc des Princes. Dans un Euro marqué par les débordements de fans, la scène est plutôt touchante. Cristiano Ronaldo, pourtant en manque cruel de réussite durant la rencontre contre l'Autriche (0-0), a patienté gentiment, repoussant même la sécurité, quand ce fan transi avait visiblement des problèmes pour régler son téléphone. Il s'est même laissé embrasser sur la joue par l'adolescent. Les stadiers ont patiemment attendu avant le raccompagner, le fan laissant couler ses larmes d'émotion. El espontáneo saltó al campo tras el pitido final y logró llegar hasta su ídolo, que frenó a la seguridad y aceptó la fotografía Portugal volvió a decepcionar y Cristiano Ronaldo no tuvo su mejor día en el empate sin goles ante Austria. A pesar de ello, el jugador del Real Madrid vio como un aficionado austriaco saltaba al campo al término del encuentro para hacerse una foto con él. Si bien no estaba contento por haber fallado un penalti y haber desperdiciado otra ocasión de marcar y ganar con Portugal, el delantero puso su mejor cara para el chico y frenó a la seguridad del estadio para aceptar hacerse un selfie con el espontáneo. Tras la fotografía, el hincha fue sacado del terreno de juego por la seguridad.

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