GM's official position, "Don't drive aggressively in your Camaro."......bullshit.
GM's Alan Adler said this:
It is unusual to have this occur. However, it is possible for a driver to create conditions where the air bag sensors believe a rollover is imminent. This can lead to an unwanted air bag deployment. On rollover side curtain bags, the vehicle's rollover sensing system is looking for a certain set of factors that "predict" a vehicle is going to roll over. The airbag system cannot wait until it is too late to deploy the airbags. Drifting or creating a situation that has a certain combination of speed and vehicle angle can lead to an unwanted air bag deployment.
So if I drive My new Camaro the way it was intended and advertised, GM will kill me with fire?
Paul Beiswenger with Lopez Tires and E&A Autosport got a big surprise while drifting at Milan Dragway in Milan MI. The passenger suffered burns on her right arm.